

The general principle is simple: we create a global network of interested stream ecologists, we all spend a few time and little expenses for a simple and exciting experiment. Pooled together, these individual experiments will generate a unique, compelling and timely dataset to address our objectives. Furthermore, it may trigger follow-up activities well beyond the present approach. In 3 words: united we stand.

The requirement of this project is to mobilize stream ecologists interested in IRES to work on multiple IRES: ideally, ~1 000, minimally > 100. A simple, cheap and time-efficient experiment carried out almost simultaneously and across a large number of IRES will provide a unique and outstanding dataset to explore. The rough quality of each single experiment, as well as the low amount of data individually generated will be largely compensated by the large number of IRES and the high consistency of the protocols used.

In 2015 and 2016, our aim was to  create the network and conduct the first joint experiment focused on organic material accumulating over dry riverbeds. The first phase of the project is finished and consisted in creating this international network of volunteered stream ecologists and to address the dynamic of CPOM in IRES. Detailed procedures and protocols here.

In 2019-2020, we invite you to contribute to BiodiversIRES, the first global experiment on IRES biodiversity. If you are interested to contribute, please, first fill the following document. Details of the protocol and procedures are provided further on the website and are available here along with the field spreadsheet to fill when sending your samples.

Reach selectionSampling the reachesProcessing the collected materialEnvironmental variables to collect
Shipping the materialDetailed sampling protocolsRules to be included in the network for BiodiverIRESOutputs and benefices for the participants