Environmental variables to collect

Environmental variables to collect

At the catchment scale (upstream of the sampling reach):

Strahler stream order, stream length, distance to source, distance to downstream main confluence, distance and direction to the closest flow recorder, distance to the closest perennial site, number and location of active flow recorders in the catchment, catchment area, climate zone (Köppen system,

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%B6ppen_climate_classification), land uses (forest, agricultural land….), % of the network that is intermittent (estimations), average annual precipitation, average annual temperature.

At the reach scale (10×the wetted width):

Active channel width, width of the floodplain when relevant, estimated % cover of silt/sand/gravel/cobble/boulder/bedrock substrates across the reach, riparian cover (estimated visually as a %), riparian vegetation (absent/herbs/shrubs/trees), the 3 dominant riparian species if possible, the estimated dry phase duration prior to the time of sampling (for pitfall, terrestrial eDNA and seedbank sampling), estimates of the flowing period duration prior the time of sampling (for Surber and aquatic eDNA samples), distance between the intermittent and perennial reaches, the type of non-flowing phase (complete drying or presence of pools), GPS coordinates in WSG84, and altitude (m asl).

Take enough photos to represent the study sites.

Soil and sediment moisture and organic matter content:

For each reach (perennial, intermittent) and each phase (flowing, non-flowing), take small (ca. 100 g) sediment subsamples (from stream channel) and soil subsamples (from riparian zone) close to each spot used for pit fall trap deployment. Collect only the first 10 cm of sediment or soil, then pool for each reach and each phase all sediment subsamples from channel and all soil samples from the riparian zone into one composite sample (a. 600 g). Store composite samples in closed zip bags or plastic containers and in a cooler to minimize evaporation.

Along with the samples and data being sent, we require a statement that you have all the requested permissions to 1) collect samples at the selected reaches, and 2) ship material and/or data overseas (including through the Nagoya protocol). Without this, we will not be able to use your data!

Use this Excel template to document the information about the study reach.

Modification date: 08 June 2023 | Publication date: 08 June 2023 | By: SW