Rules to be included in the network for BiodiverIRES

Rules to be included in the network for BiodiverIRES

To be included in the further steps of the project (i.e. analyzing data and contributing to the publication/s), the minimum per participant* is to

1) collect and analyse Surber and pitfall samples,

2) conduct the seedbank experiment,

3) collect eDNA samples from soil and sediments,

4) document the mandatory environmental variables,

5) provide the permissions of sampling and sharing genetic resources,

from at least 1 river with paired perennial/intermittent reaches and covering 2 hydrologic phases (flowing and dry),

Tracks, photo-traps and water eDNA samples are strongly encouraged though and would provide higher recognition in the main manuscript and allow contributing to the additional manuscripts.

*even if multiple people from your lab are involved in the different phases of the process, only one person will be recognized as a participant per river sampled. If you want to include more colleagues from your lab (e.g., PhD, postdocs, etc), please replicate the effort following the rules stated above.